​​​Future Systems

  • January 2025: Keith Anthonisz as Vice President of Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA (AMBCWA) completed a grant application to the  ASEAN Australia Centre for support for a Sabah Business Mission in July 2025 to build on existing business and government linkages and further develop an agriculture project in Sabah supported by carbon credits. 
  • October 2017: Future Systems has been contracted by City of Wanneroo to complete a Review of the Western Australian Government Commitment to Developing a Technology Park in Two Rocks to assess the Western Australian Government commitment and determine the level of support for growing and developing technology based industry in Two Rocks and the broader Wanneroo north west corridor of Perth.
  • February 2021: Keith Anthonisz on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers is working on project planning for the Pilbara Produce Arid Agriculture Research Project at the Newman TAFE Campus with AgroSense after the project was confirmed as having the backing of the Cooperative Research Centre for Northern Australia (CRCNA).
  • February 2019: Keith Anthonisz attended the Ministerial Dialogue with Asian Business Councils and Tourism WA at the Duxton Hotel on 1st February 2019.  Keith met the new Minister for Asian Engagement, the Hon Peter Tinley and represented the new Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA).  


  • January 2017: Future Systems has agreed to work with Novelle Consortium.  Novelle Consortium supports Indigenous and non Indigenous communities in economic sustainability, land tenure approvals and investment.  
  • June 2019: Keith Anthonisz attended the Hydrogen and Mines event for PricewaterhouseCoopers as part of the Energy and Mines Australia Summit, June 18-20 at the Westin Hotel to explore opportunities arising from the growing interest of the mining industry and the Western Australian Government in using hydrogen at mine sites and developing hydrogen as an export industry in Western Australia.
  • November 2021: Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) spoke at a Malaysia and Western Australia Food and Agriculture Trade and Investment hosted by AMBCWA, Innovate Australia and Squire Patton Boggs.
  • March 2018: Keith Anthonisz travelled to Melbourne to participate in project planning meetings with colleagues and clients at the offices of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Incentives and Innovation team.
  • March 2018: Keith Anthonisz participated in presenting an information session in Karratha on Wednesday 13 March 2018 for the Karratha Districts Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KDCCI) on Key Sources Of Commonwealth Support Available for Regional Businesses with the PricewaterhouseCoopers Incentives and Innovation group.
  • October 2022: Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) has funded Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) to facilitate hydrogen collaboration between Sarawak and Western Australia to facilitate the development of a Hydrogen Collaboration MOU between Sarawak and Western Australia to include FFI project collaboration.  Keith Anthonisz has also agreed to support dialogue with the Governments of Sarawak and Western Australia on participation in a working party to explore a possible hydrogen collaboration MOU.
  • February 2022: Keith Anthonisz as President of Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) took part as a Moderator in a Webinar for Business Matching between Sarawak and Western Australia with 153 participants in three breakout sessions covering 1) Information Technology and Cyber Security, 2) Renewable Energy, Hydrogen and Climate Solutions and 3) Agriculture, Food and Timber Industries.
  • February 2018: Keith Anthonisz of Future Systems has been contracted to work with PricewaterhouseCoopers Incentives and Innovation team in Melbourne on possible Federal Government support for infrastructure projects and other grant opportunities for companies supporting economic development in Western Australia.  Discussions have been held with companies that are investing in Western Australia and have an interest in Federal Government support for common user infrastructure that can link to their investment plans.
  • April 2021: Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) participated in a Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA) webinar, Malaysia is Open for Business: Forging a Stronger Partnership with Western Australia.


  • January 2025: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems has agreed to work with GFG Consulting as an Associate proving economic development and grants expertise.  GFG Consulting provide Strategic Management and Project Management Services to local government and the private sector.
  • February 2020: Keith Anthonisz of Future Systems presented at the Cybersecurity Business Awareness Geraldton Sundowner on Wednesday 19th February with Dr Ian Martinus, Director, AustCyber in WA and Adam Brickhill, Connor Shannon and Sam Allen of Edith Cowan Universities Cyber Check.Me to encourage awareness of cybersecurity as well as promote Geraldton potential to develop as a technology hub and smart city.
  • December 2017: Future Systems has been contracted by the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) to complete a Review of the WA Plan for Jobs and the Economic Development Opportunity for Local Government in Western Australia.  This project will assist WALGA to support local government in engaging with the Western Australian Government on economic development in local government areas. 
  • September 2018: The Premier of Western Australia launched the Review of the WA Plan for Jobs and the Economic Impact on Local Government at the City of Belmont that was completed for the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) by Keith Anthonisz of Future Systems. Keith Anthonisz also provided an overview presentation of the Review at the launch. 
  • December 2024: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems organised a meeting with the Office of the Western Australian Housing Minister, John Carey and with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) for Contour 3D, a Sydney based company that is a leading Australian 3D house printing company to explore potential projects in Western Australia. 
  • February 2020: Keith Anthonisz attended the Australian Industrial Hemp Conference from 26 - 27 February for PricewaterhouseCoopers at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle. The Conference brought together national and international researchers, growers and industry to look at growing markets in agriculture, food, textiles, medicine and construction supporting new local and export markets and regional development opportunities.  
  • October 2018: Future Systems has been successful in partnership with Mann Advisory and Naja Business Consulting on a City of Karratha RFQ for an Eco Hub Business Case to assess the options to facilitate the establishment of the Eco Hub on the Karratha Airport Reserve.  
  • August 2023: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems has completed work on a submission for Warrawagine Cattle Company to present to the Pastoral Lands Board for Cultivation of Non-Indigenous Plant Species on a Pastoral Lease as part of a research pilot project to trial new fodder crops.  
  • September 2022: Curtin University Miri Campus in Sarawak, Malaysia has funded Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) to facilitate hydrogen collaboration between Sarawak and Western Australia to include Curtin University Miri Campus and highlight other linkages at a government, business, university and research level.  Keith Anthonisz has also agreed to support dialogue with the Governments of Sarawak and Western Australia on participation in a working party to explore a possible hydrogen collaboration MOU.
  • October 2019: Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA), presented to the Malaysia Business Forum on Thursday 31st October 2019 at the Westin Hotel in Perth.  The event featured the Western Australian Government Minister for Asian Engagement, Hon Peter Tinley and the High Commissioner of Malaysia in Australia, Sudha Devi K.R. Vasudevan and covered investment, trade, tourism, property development, agriculture, aged care and mineral processing/manufacture.  Other participants included the Sarawak Government, Sheng Tai International, Malaysia Airlines, Altech Chemicals, AGRIFresh, Lewis Fortescue Group (LFG), MIDA and MATRADE. 


  • January 2020: Keith Anthonisz of Future Systems is supporting NAJA Business Consulting Services and its associates to complete a report on De-Risking Priority Opportunities for Western Australian Agricultural Investment for the Cooperative Research Centre for Northern Australia (CRCNA) and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
  • May 2024: Keith Anthonisz as Vice President of Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA (AMBCWA) supported a project grant opportunity between Malaysia and Australia to use Artificial Intelligence (Ai) for energy system modelling to maximise the efficiency of hydrogen energy systems.
  • May 2023: Keith Anthonisz participated in an event on 2 May as President of  Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA (AMBCWA) on the Kuching Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCGCCI) invite to their 133rd Anniversary Event 7-10th July 2023 in Kuching, Sarawak.  
  • June 2018: Keith Anthonisz attended the Collie Futures Small Grants Program Information Sessions launched to drive economic growth and stimulate job creation in the South West town of Collie.


  • July 2022: Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) participated in the Understanding Malaysia's Tax Environment and Grants Opportunities for Business event supported by AMBCWA, FCA Group, the Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and Squire Patton Boggs. Dato Dr Fam, the CEO of FCA Group and Noraisyah Nordin of MIDA participated via video conference and discussed business tax concessions, financial incentives and grants for industry and avoidance of double taxation between Malaysia and Australia.
  • December 2022: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems has agreed to support Illuminance Solutions with business development and strategies for developing Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) data management projects for mining companies using Microsoft systems.  


  • August 2021: Keith Anthonisz as part of a team at PricewaterhouseCoopers has commenced work on an application for the Modern Manufacturing Initiative Manufacturing Collaboration Stream which supports grants from $20 million to $200 million for companies with large projects that support jobs and Increased investment in Australian manufacturing, particularly in high-value added activities.
  • April 2017: Future Systems has been successful in partnership with Novelle Consortium on a City of Wanneroo RFQ for the Provision of Consultancy Services for Specified Inputs to the Funded Services (Home and Community Care) Review.  
  • April 2018: Keith Anthonisz of Future Systems made a presentation to the Executive of the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) regarding a Review of the WA Plan for Jobs and the Economic Impact on Local Government in Western Australia. 
  • November 2019: Keith Anthonisz attended the Pilbara Summit on 6 - 7 November for PricewaterhouseCoopers at the Hyatt Regency in Perth. The Summit looked at economic growth, investment and economic diversification projects across the region. Economic activity is now increasing in the Pilbara with higher housing demand in Karratha supporting economic recovery for the Pilbara and the WA economy.

Future Systems services are based on experience in both government and the private sector in developing a strategic approach to economic diversification, regional development, aboriginal economic development, infrastructure development, community support, technology and innovation.  Expertise is offered in business development, business planning, technology commercialisation, program management, project development, international technology collaboration, policy development and intellectual property support.

  • October 2020: Keith Anthonisz on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers along with Lawrence Kirton of AgroSense presented in Newman in the Pilbara region to the Shire of East Pilbara and met with Aboriginal representatives on the Pilbara Produce Arid Agriculture Research Project.
  • May 2020: Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) is supporting market research for a future Sarawak Business Mission with a grant from the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation. Expressions of interest are sought from companies seeking possible partnerships, investment and commercial opportunities in Sarawak and the broader Malaysian market.
  • April 2022: Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) participated in the Malaysia Sector Connect 2022 Renewable Energy webinar organised by the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation of the Western Australian Government in partnership with the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), the Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), the Consulate General of Malaysia, Perth and AMBCWA.
  • May 2021: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems participated in a Panel Discussion on Decarbonising Mining - Opportunities & Impact of Hydrogen at the Mining & Energy Investment Australia-Europe Conference and Exhibition at the Perth Convention Centre with Minister Alannah MacTiernan of the Western Australian Government also participating as the Minister for Hydrogen.
  • June 2021: Keith Anthonisz represented PricewaterhouseCoopers at the two day Pilbara Summit 2021 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Perth. The conference featured discussions on a pipeline of $170 billion in projects including hydrogen projects.
  • July 2018: Keith Anthonisz participated in the Lithium and Energy Materials Industry Consortium meeting for PricewaterhouseCoopers which brought together industry, universities and government to work collaboratively on development of a Lithium and Energy Materials Industry Strategy.
  • October 2018: Keith Anthonisz travelled to Canberra to discuss the Northern Australia Agenda and support for Western Australia on behalf of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Incentives and Innovation team.  
  • March 2019: Keith Anthonisz has completed work for PricewaterhouseCoopers on applying for Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) Grants supporting companies with a specific focus on critical minerals.   These grants are supporting Western Australia to position itself as a major provider of battery minerals opening up opportunities from mining to processing and manufacture in the emerging battery industry supply chain.
  • September 2020: Keith Anthonisz on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers completed work on an application to the Cooperative Research Centre for Northern Australia for AgroSense, seeking to establish an Pilbara Produce Arid Agriculture Research Project at the Newman TAFE in the Pilbara.

What We Do

  • September 2019: Keith Anthonisz working for PricewaterhouseCoopers presented on Friday 27 September 2019 at the Kimberley Economic Forum in Derby on Innovation and Incentives to explore opportunities for the Kimberley to access Federal Government grants. 
  • July 2024: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems completed an application for the Shire of Northampton to the Australian Governments Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program (rPPP) for a grant to develop a Northampton Economic Development Precinct (NEDP). 
  • May 2024: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems completed a Business Case for AVID Group together with CPC Engineering in Karratha for a Hydrogen Demonstration Project at Karratha Airport (HDPKA).




  • February 2022: Keith Anthonisz as part of a team at PricewaterhouseCoopers worked with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development on developing two discussion papers related to Megatrends and Industry Partnerships and Investment for supporting examining new approaches to investment attraction in Western Australia post COVID 19.
  • February 2021: Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) participated in Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas City of Perth hosted Roundtable Luncheon with the Asia Business Council of WA (ABCWA). 
  • May 2017: Keith Anthonisz of Future Systems presented on Friday, 19th May at the Grower Group Alliance Industry Linkages Forum at the Platform, Perth on the topic 'Regional Agriculture Investment and Innovation and the Role of Grower Groups' and Future Systems position on supporting agriculture industries development.
  • February 2019: Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA), presented at the launch of AMBCWA on Thursday 28th February 2019 at the Curtin University Business School, 78 Murray Street in Perth to a capacity crowd interested in closer business ties between Western Australia and Malaysia. The Consul General of Malaysia, Edi Irwan Mahmud is a patron of AMBCWA and Curtin University is a venue sponsor.  
  • August 2019: Keith Anthonisz working for PricewaterhouseCoopers supported Pilbara Metals Group in their successful application to secure a $1.13 million grant under the Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) Grants Round 7. The grant will support Pilbara Metals Group taking manganese ore and converting it into a low cost, high value, ultra-high purity manganese sulphate which is critical to new battery technology.
  • September 2018: The Southern Forest Irrigation Scheme has agreed to work with Future Systems to assist with their plans to achieve additional support and funding and to assist with business case development.
  • January 2023: Keith Anthonisz of Future Systems has developed a proposal for Illuminance Solutions for ESG data management aimed at engaging with a mining industry company.  
  • November 2020: Keith Anthonisz as President of the Australia Malaysia Business Chamber Western Australia (AMBCWA) participated in the launch of the Sarawak Western Australia Market Research Report on Wednesday 18 November 2020 at Squire Patton Boggs in Perth. The report builds on a Sarawak Government visit to Perth in 2019 where interest was noted in developing stronger economic and investment ties.
  • July 2019: Keith Anthonisz attended the Northern Australia Conference for PricewaterhouseCoopers on 11th and 12th July at the Red Earth Arts Precinct in Karratha. The conference explored opportunities and development in Northern Australia including new investment plans for energy, mining, tourism, agriculture and infrastructure investment.  The conference also provided a brief on Aboriginal business development.

My name is Keith Anthonisz and I am Principal Consultant for Future Systems in Perth, Australia with over thirty years experience in developing project outcomes for both government and the private sector.

Future Systems has a focus on strategic advice on economic development opportunities, regional development, technology and infrastructure projects.  

  • July 2024: Keith Anthonisz as Vice President of Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA (AMBCWA) spoke at an event at Pitcher Partners on Malaysia and Australia Hydrogen Collaboration with the participation of Lestari H2Gaas/PETRONAS, 7 Point 8 Sdn Bhd, the Hydrogen Society of Australia and Causal Dynamics on energy system modelling for hydrogen systems and PETRONAS interest in collaboration on hydrogen microgrids.
  • February 2024: The Shire of Northampton Council has now approved the Economic Development Framework completed by Keith Anthonisz of Future Systems. The Shire has also approved continued work with Future Systems to provide consulting support for grants for economic development.
  • February 2023: Keith Anthonisz as part of a team at PricewaterhouseCoopers is developing Case Studies on robotics companies for the Australian Government Department of Industry Science and Resources.  
  • July 2023: Keith Anthonisz as President of  Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA (AMBCWA) travelled to Kuching in Sarawak and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on business collaboration with Dato Tan Jit Kee, President of Kuching Chinese General Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCGCCI) on 10 July 2023, witnessed by Sarawak Government Deputy Premier, Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan. 
  • December 2017: Future Systems has been contracted by City of Wanneroo to complete a Two Rocks Aquaculture Infrastructure Investment Assessment to provide a basis for development of investment proposals for an aquaculture industry in Two Rocks.
  • July 2017: Keith Anthonisz of Future Systems has agreed to partner with Jeffrey Goh in Malaysia through a new business called Malaysia Australia Connect  Malaysia Australia Connect is a business specializing in international business development for small to medium enterprises (SME’s) between Malaysia and Australia and the broader Asian region.
  • November 2023: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems has agreed to work with the Avid EPG Group to support engagement with stakeholders and potential partners for their hydrogen electrical solutions including hydrogen fuel cells.  AVID Group supports installation and commissioning of substations, generators, switchboards and other electrical systems for mining, oil and gas and heavy industry. 
  • February 2025: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems and an Associate of GFG Consulting is supporting Shire of Dowerin in organising a grant application to support master planning and infrastructure upgrades.  Keith Anthonisz is also supporting the Shire with economic development advice and grants expertise. 
  • September 2021: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems has been contracted by the Goldfields Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils (GVROC) to prepare a GVROC Submission to the Regional Telecommunications Review 2021.
  • September 2023: Keith Anthonisz as Principal Consultant of Future Systems has agreed to provide consulting support to develop an Economic Development Framework for the Shire of Northampton to allow the Council to respond to investors in projects in the interest of the Shire community. 
Keith Anthonisz, Principal Consultant, Future Systems, Perth, Australia, strategic advice, economic development, technology, infrastructure projects