​​​Future Systems


International Relations and Not for Profit Management – Founder, President and now Vice President of Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA (AMBCWA). Leader of an AMBCWA Business Mission to Kuching in Sarawak and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on business collaboration with Dato Tan Jit Kee, President of Kuching Chinese General Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCGCCI) on 10 July 2023, witnessed by Sarawak Government Deputy Premier, Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan.  Also facilitated a Memorandum of Understanding with the Sarawak Business Federation, supported Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) and Curtin University as Corporate Sponsors of AMBCWA on developing collaboration with the State of Sarawak in Malaysia and supported completion of a Sarawak Western Australia Business Partnership Mission Market Research Report. ​

Local Government – Supported local government in economic development including work for the Shire of Northampton in the Mid West region to develop a Economic Development Framework (EDF) and preparation of an application to the Australian Government’s Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program (rPPP), support for the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) to complete a Review of the WA Plan for Jobs and completion of work for the City of Wanneroo for a Two Rocks Aquaculture Infrastructure Investment Assessment to provide a basis for development of investment proposals for an aquaculture industry in Two Rocks.  

Industry Grants – Worked as a Manager for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) supporting company applications for grants for technology, research and infrastructure projects including applications for Cooperative Research Centre Projects Grants.  Work also included business cases, economic papers and case studies for government agencies and businesses as well as business development for PwC on engaging with potential commercial clients in Western Australia for PwC services to support grant applications to the Federal Government.

Regional Development and Northern Australia – Supported the $1.7 billion Pilbara Cities initiative as Acting CEO, Director of Development and Diversity and Manager of Infrastructure Development at Pilbara Development Commission with responsibility for infrastructure development,   economic diversification and community development including engagement with Aboriginal communities.  Participant in a Western Australian Government Working Group for the States interaction with the $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) of the Commonwealth Government. 

Economic Development – Completed strategic industry studies on diversification opportunities in renewable energy, lithium processing, regional airports logistics and telecommunications including options for government partnering with the private sector to support development of common user infrastructure, levels of investment and job creation potential while Director of New Initiatives at Department of Regional Development. 

Technology and Innovation – Manager Strategic Business Development with ISA Technologies supporting business development for commercialisation of new IT systems and innovation including animation, 3D visualisation and high performance computing and a Consultant at Technology and Innovation Management, a university owned company, responsible for commercialisation of intellectual property from the private sector, academia and the public sector.  Worked with Western Australia’s Chief Scientist as a Panellist on the Premier’s Agriculture and Aquaculture Entrepreneurship Program. Led the development of the $80 million Western Australian Biotechnology Industry Development Strategy.

Agrifood and Aquaculture Development –  Leadership role in the $350 million Seizing the Opportunity Agriculture initiative through the Royalties for Regions (RfR) program and the Pilbara Hinterland Agriculture Development Initiative (PHADI) with Department of Agriculture and Food while Director of New Initiatives at Department of Regional Development .  Support for Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Council in developing a WA Aquaculture Industry Plan. 

Infrastructure Development - Director of Development and Diversity and Manager of Infrastructure Development at Pilbara Development Commission and a member of the Pilbara Fabrication and Services Common Use Facility (PFSCUF) Steering Committee, Chair of the $42 million Port Hedland Waste Water Treatment Plant Project Steering Committee and Chair of the Pilbara Underground Power Project Steering Committee.

Business Case Development – Conducted due diligence and led development of Business Cases that have ultimately been funded by Cabinet in Royalties for Regions submissions ensuring that government policies and priorities are taken into consideration, State agencies are supportive and economic outcomes of leverage of funding and employment are included. 

Business Development and Investment Attraction – Supported international and national investors and presented to audiences representing Western Australian business both in the public and private sectors for a number of industries including water projects, energy projects, property development, biotechnology, agriculture, IT, oil and gas and scientific services. 

Leadership and Governance
–Chaired a range of Steering Committees for major infrastructure projects and consulting projects and have been representative on organisational Boards that has included leadership on project delivery, management of risks and stakeholder engagement to ensure continued support for strategic goals, performance reporting and funding.  Supported Leadership WA with their delivery of a program in the Pilbara.

Government Liaison – Understanding of government policy and regulations that can support project approvals in relation to industry policy, technology policy, water policy and land tenure.  Extensive networks across Western Australian Government.


Keith Anthonisz, Principal Consultant, Future Systems, Perth, Australia, strategic advice, economic development, technology, infrastructure projects